Thursday 23 April 2015

Week 8
Topic : Atmospheric Habitat & Human Microbiome

This week we learn about the topic atmospheric habitat. Before the class on Thursday, we need to do quiz that have been prepared by group 7 on topic atmospheric habitat. They also provide a video and mindmap about this topic. I like the video because each point is well explained and easy to understand. From what I learnt, atmosphere consist of  6 regions ; troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, exosphere and ionosphere. Troposphere is nearest to the earth and lower troposphere contain high number of microorganisms. There are 3 stages of dispersal of airborne particles ; liberation --> dispersion in air currents --> deposition. We also have done some quizzes related to this topic in the class. 

For topic human microbiome, my group (group 2) have done the flipped classroom. Through the midsem break, we were busy preparing our flipped classroom. We have prepared some online materials such as infographics, video, mindmap and quiz. As usual before the class, we need to view the materials and do the online quiz. I like this topic because I get to know the role of microbes in our body and the interaction. Besides, I can distinguish between normal flora and pathogenic microbes.

This week also we need to submit our thinglink. Click here to  view my thinglink about soil habitat.

That's all from me for this week :)

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