Thursday 12 March 2015

Week 3
Topic : Microbial groups

As for the introduction, microorganism or microbes play a very important role in our lives. Some microbes cause disease but the majority are completely harmless. In fact we couldn't live without them, but they could live without us. These microscopic organisms play a key role in maintaining life on earth, fixing gases and breaking down dead plant and animal matter into simpler substances that are used at the beginning of the food chain. Biotechnologists can also exploit the activities of microbes to benefit humans, such as in the production of medicines, enzymes and food. They are also used to breakdown sewage and other toxic wastes into safe matter. This process is called bioremediation.

There are three major forms of life; eucaryotes, procaryotes and viruses. Fungi, slime/water molds, algae and protozoa are classified as eucaryotic microbes. 




Bacteria are classified into 5 groups according to their basic shapes: spherical (cocci), rod (bacilli), spiral (spirilla), comma (vibrios) or corkscrew (spirochaetes). They can exist as single cells, in pairs, chains or clusters.

Viruses are the smallest of all the microbes.  The virus particle attaches to the host cell before penetrating it. The virus then uses the host cell’s machinery to replicate its own genetic material. Once replication has been completed the virus particles leave the host by either budding or bursting out of the cell (lysis).

Before the class started, we were ask to read first about microbial groups topic and summarize it using our own way. Then, we need to upload it in the LMS

We also share our work to the others class members in Blendspace. They really do a good job as most of them share interesting videos related to the topic. It is good to share our works and findings with the rest of class members in order to increase our knowledge. 

During the one hour class, we were asked to sit in groups and discuss about the topic. We need to summarize the topic using Popplet.

Lecture on Thursday began with the topic microbial group. After that, Dr. Wan make online quiz activity using It was really interesting and fun ! The quiz got timer and we need to answer within the time allocated. It is simple but we need to focus and answer the question very fast. Yet so, I really enjoyed this activity.

Topic 3 : Microbial Nutrition and Metabolism

As usual, we need to prepare before entering the class. There will be an individual task in Quizlet. We have to write 50 terms and their definition that related to the microbial nutrition and metabolism topic. 

After completing the 50-terms assignments, we were asked to do the test in Quizlet based on terms that have been written and upload the result in LMS. We also need to upload and share the 50 terms in the Blendspace. 

The following day (Friday), we have the replacement class for 2 hours. We continued the topic on microbial groups. After finishing this topic, we proceed with the microbial nutrition and metabolism topic. 

Before the class ended, Dr. Wan once again create online quiz based on the topic microbial nutrition and metabolism and surely makes everyone excited. I found that this activity very fun and exciting. :)

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