Thursday 19 March 2015

Week 4
Topic : Microbial Nutrition

Nutrients are necessary for microbial growth and play a vital role in the proper cultivation of microorganisms in the laboratory and for proper growth in their natural environments. In regard to required nutrients for proper growth, there are often limiting factors involved. The limiting factor or limiting nutrient effects and controls growth. When all requirements are present, microorganisms will thrive. In circumstances where there are lack of specific requirements, the growth process is affected.

Microbial nutrition summary.

Lecture on Monday (16 March 2015) began with the topic of microbial nutrition. We learn about water activity, nutrient, pH and temperature effects on growth of microorganisms. Then, the lecture was continued with the topic Distribution of Microorganism. From this topic I learnt about the factors affecting the microbial distribution and able to distinguish the microbes according to the categories. 

We finished these topics on Monday because these topics will come out on test 1 microbial ecology. The test was held on Thursday (19 March 2015) located in BK1.4. This test takes about an hour.

After the test, which only takes about an hour, Dr. wan has explain more clearly about our SCL which include, Life Without Microbes, Thinglink, Flipped classroom and Infographics. 

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