Thursday 7 May 2015

Week 10
Topic : Human Microbiome

This week we finish the topic human microbiome. We learnt about pathogenesis in pathogen where it have five mechanism; entry, specific adherence, invasion, colonization and growth, and host damage. Pathogenic organisms must have mechanisms in place to evade attack by the immune system.  The promotion of disease is characterized by the ability of pathogenic organism to enter a host, inflict damage and destruction into the host cell. Diphtheria is a disease of the upper respiratory tract caused by a toxin secreted by Corynebacterium diptheriae.

We also do some revision for each topic that included in test 2. I think this test is quite hard for me as we need to relate what we learnt from each topic with other topic and there are so many terms to remember.

That's all for this week. :)

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