Saturday 16 May 2015

Week 11

Topic : Food Spoilage 

On Monday, I learnt about food spoilage that is not the same as foodborne disease. This topic is very interesting as I can know the type of food spoilage microbes, how the microbes can cause the food spoilage and also the factors the can promote their growth. Group 1 has done the flipped classroom about this topic. So, before entering the class we need to do some quizzes and of course, to answer the questions we need to look for the materials provided by group 1. Click here to view the video and mindmap.

Topic : Waste Pollution and Waste Water Management

This topic was covered on Thursday. Group 5 had prepared the flipped classroom materials and they also present the slide in the class. Their presentation is quite interesting and I like the video as it explained very clearly about the  waste water management and also easy to understand. We also have to do some quizzes based on this topic before the class. 

As soon as we enter the class on Friday, we were asked to do the crossword puzzle based on topic waste water management. Some of the question are quite challenging but I manage to answer all the questions well. After crossword puzzle, we do quiz on Socrative based on the topic food spoilage. I really like these activities because I can know how much that I really know or understand about the topics. However, internet connection problem still cannot be avoided while these activities is conducted.

All right, that's all for now. 

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